Listen_address = ":9252" concurrent = 25 check_interval = 90 log_level = "info" session_timeout = 1800 ] name = "gitlab-runner-all-develop-gitlab-runner-ff99c489d-7br7w" output_limit = 4096 request_concurrency = 30 url = "" token = "*********************" executor = "kubernetes" clone_url = "" host = "" bearer_token_overwrite_allowed = false image = "ubuntu:18. Everything is working but i get this error/warning message: sudo: unable to resolve host Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. lookups would have to resolve every host name mentioned in nf during every. Note that, like most security conscious software, sudo fails safe- if it cant look up the host, any entry that specify a host value is considered invalid. One localhost and one with your hostname: localhost yourhostname. local database user auth-method auth-options host database user. Then have a look at nano /etc/hosts There you should find two lines. echo computername > /etc/hosts That should fix the host name resolution One small request: If you liked this post, please share this One 'tiny' share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog. nmap -iR 10 -n -oX out.xml grep Nmap cut -d -f5 > live-hosts.txt. At that time, most users kept the default hostname. As you know, while installing a new operating system like Debian, Ubuntu, or any other Linux distribution, installers ask you to set the hostname. # = # INCLUDE TEMPLATES # = include : - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-audit.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-base.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-build.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-dast.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-deploy.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-global.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-scanning.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-sonarqube.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-web-performance.yml" - project : " shared/devops/pipeline" file : " /ci/.gitlab-ci-rules.yml" # = # DEFAULT IMAGE # = image : docker:19.03.0 # = # SERVICES # = services : - docker:19.03.0-dind # = # STAGES # = stages : # = # WORKFLOW RULES # = workflow : rules : - if : $PIPELINE_DISABLE = "true" when : never - if : $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID when : never - when : always # = # GLOBAL VARIABLES # = variables : DOCKER_HOST : tcp://localhost:2375 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR : " " DOCKER_DRIVER : overlay2 DOCKER_BUILDKIT : 1 GIT_DEPTH : 1 GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY : none GIT_STRATEGY : none Actual behavior There you should find one line with the name of your machine. Even many seasoned industry professionals fail to make the most of Nmap. Getting error sudo unable to resolve host name or service not known after executing the sudo command, then read these steps to fix it up.